var a, b, c : array[0..40000] of longint; i, j, k, l, m, n, lena, lenb, lenc : longint; s : ansistring; function mo(w : longint) : boolean; var i : longint; begin if lena - w + 1 > lenb then exit(true); if lena - w + 1 < lenb then exit(false); for i := 0 to lenb - 1 do begin if a[lena - i] > b[lenb - i] then exit(true); if a[lena - i] < b[lenb - i] then exit(false); end; mo := true; end; procedure minus(w : longint); var i, j : longint; begin j := 1; for i := w to w + lenb - 1 do begin if a[i] < b[j] then begin dec(a[i + 1]); inc(a[i],10 - b[j]); end else dec(a[i],b[j]); inc(j); end; while (lena > 0) and (a[lena] = 0) do dec(lena); if lena = 0 then lena := 1; end; begin readln(s); lena := length(s); for i := 1 to lena do a[lena - i + 1] := ord(s[i]) - 48; readln(s); lenb := length(s); for i := 1 to lenb do b[lenb - i + 1] := ord(s[i]) - 48; lenc := lena - lenb + 1; for i := lenc downto 1 do while mo(i) do begin minus(i); inc(c[i]); end; while (lenc > 0) and (c[lenc] = 0) do dec(lenc); if lenc = 0 then lenc := 1; for i:=lenc downto 1 do write(c[i]); end.
2015年9月09日 20:41
2022年8月06日 20:11
ICICI has become one of the largest banking services in India. This is essentially because of their financial options that they provide to customers. Among them ICICI credit card online payment option has become a prominent one with eligible customers. ICICI Credit Card Payment Making full use of different types of cards available and then being able to make through different payment gateway in quick time as well. If this is your first time making your ICICI bank credit card payment then you can go through this article below. You may discuss different methods available that can help you make your payment in no time.